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Request a Biblical Worldview Speaker

Our RenewaNation team of speakers is available to inspire and awaken your church or school in biblical parenting and grandparenting, child discipleship, family ministry, and biblical worldview education.

Speaking Events and Topics

Church Events

Champion the importance of biblical worldview development at your next church event.

Banquets/Annual Fund Dinners

Help donors understand the great impact of biblical worldview development and education.

Parenting & Grandparenting Conferences

Helps equip parents and grandparents to train the next generation with a biblical worldview.

Parent Events

Help parents better understand the importance of biblical worldview development and education.

Grandparent Events

Better connects grandparents with churches or schools through volunteer and donor opportunities.

Biblical Worldview Training for Teachers

Helps teachers develop a biblical worldview and learn how to integrate biblical worldview into their teaching.

Christian School Renewal

A full explanation of what a vibrant school looks like and how to connect to our renewal program is offered to key leaders and board members.


Challenges graduates to reach their highest potential for Christ.

Toni Kanzler, Director of Admissions, Traders Point Christian Schools

"Your message was so relevant and very encouraging to us. I have already had parents tell me they wish their spouse could have heard what you had to say. Your passion is contagious. Thanks for the magazines; we will get those out to our parents."

Meet Some of Our Speakers

Submit Speaker Request Form

Fill out the form below to request a RenewaNation representative to speak at your church, school, or organization. We will be in contact with you to confirm the date and cost, plus the terms agreed to.

Are the dates flexible?
Will you provide Renewanation with master-quality, digital audio and video recording (if applicable) of the speaker's talks to use at the discretion of Renewanation?
If so, do we have permission to post the talks on our websites and social media?
Would you allow Renewanation to set up a display table?
Requested Speaker

Thanks for submitting!

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