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New Church & Family Ministry Director Speaks on Radio and at Family Conference

Dr. Josh Mulvihill had the opportunity to speak on MyFaithRadio to approximately 70,000 listeners who were encouraged to teach children God’s good design for marriage. Dr. Mulvihill with host Neil Stavem in the studio.

Dr. Josh Mulvihill spoke at the Gospel Shaped Family Conference at Faith Evangelical Church and to the adult Sunday classes at Timberline Church in Ft. Collins, CO on the biblical role of grandparents and the core truths that every child must know. After the conference, one of the pastors responded, “WOW! Words can’t capture the impact you had in our Gospel Shaped Family Conference. I heard from so many today who were challenged, encouraged, and inspired to embrace the role that they play in their family.”

Kathryn was a former student in Josh Mulvihill’s middle school ministry and attended the Gospel-Shaped Family Conference as a newly married wife. It was encouraging to see that Kathryn still loves Jesus, is married to a godly husband, and is a testimony to the impact that a Bible-based, Christ-centered home and church can have on the faith of young people.

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