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Growing Impact

Several members of our leadership team have been on the road over the last two weeks influencing and supporting pastors, parents, grandparents, and educators who are in turn training thousands of children to know and love God’s truth. Jeff Keaton spoke for the ACSI Eastern Canada Convention; taped five TV shows on the “Choosing Greatness” show; spoke to pastors and parents at two events for Community Christian Academy in Paducah, KY. Dr. Josh Mulvihill was a keynote speaker at The Legacy Coalition Grandparent Conference. Approximately 1,000 grandparents attended this conference. Ron Gordon and Dr. Kristen Bird led Penial Baptist Academy in Palatka, Florida through the development of a new strategic plan. Curtis Cornell and Judy Ralph held several Tax Credit information sessions at schools in the state of Virginia. Thank you for praying for our team. Together and with God’s help, we are seeing thousands of children develop a biblical worldview.


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