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Do Not Panic!

Jeff Keaton

It takes no courage whatsoever to panic! But, you say, “If you only knew how bad this might be. If you only knew how close I am to financial disaster. If you only knew how much I have to lose, you would panic too.” You might be right, but most everyone has a lot to lose if the virus gets fully out of control or if the economy melts down. I’ve spent the last week evaluating the non-profit I lead and all the families that rely on us for their livelihood. I stopped by stores early in the morning only to discover that the items I needed were not available. I’ve bought canned food I will likely never eat and kept my gas tanks full almost daily. I have been tempted to go into full-blown panic mode, but I just can’t. I can’t panic because I know beyond a doubt that my life is in God’s hands, and I fully accept His will.

When catastrophe strikes, we are reminded that we live in a fallen, twisted, and broken world. We are reminded that Satan and sin produce unimaginable heartache and suffering. However, we are also reminded that Jesus is the redeemer of all that has gone wrong. He is going to make all things right in the future and is working through us to redeem broken things now. As His vice-regents on earth, we are to fight for all we’re worth to defeat the coronavirus. We are to use every gift He has given us to conquer the economic disaster that would destroy human flourishing.

In light of these thoughts, don’t panic! Go to work making things better. Let’s repent of our love of money and the security we thought it had brought us. Let’s get our focus off ourselves and turn it onto Jesus and those around us who need our help. As we do this, things will get better, one way or the other, and fear and panic will lose control.


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