Dr. Kristin Bird and Ron Gordon conducted a Christian school revitalization assessment at Peniel Baptist Academy (PBA) in Palatka, Florida on February 6-7. Educating children with a biblical worldview since 1971, PBA currently enjoys an enrollment of 225 students, ranging from grades PreK2 through 12th. This past December, the church and school asked the Renewanation team to help them identify opportunities to have an even greater impact in the Putnam County region of central Florida. During their visit, the team conducted walk-throughs and site observations along with interviewing over 90 stakeholders including leadership, faculty, parents, and students. During the leadership wrap-up meeting, numerous short term and longer term actions were recommended based on the data reviewed, inputs received, and observations taken. A formal tactical plan will be developed and implemented over the balance of the school year with a strategic plan following for the next school year. The senior pastor, board chair, and administrator expressed their sincere gratitude for our engagement and ongoing guidance as we partner with PBA to help them expand their ministry and have a greater impact on the students in their community.