E. Calvin Beisner
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. All creation belongs to Him (Gen. 1:1; Ps. 24:1).
Though God reveals Himself in creation, the Bible, and His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, He is distinct from and transcendent over creation (Rom. 1:25). Those who deny the Creator/creature distinction become futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts are darkened (Rom. 1:21).
God made man, male and female, in His own image (Gen. 1:26–27). No other terrestrial life form bears the image of God or is of equal value or priority with human beings (Matt. 10:29–31). Though the earth is the Lord’s, He has also given it to men (Ps. 115:16) and mandated that they be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over everything that lives in it (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, human dominion over the earth is, in principle, not sinful, and the possibility of its abuse does not negate the righteousness of its proper use.
Earth and its physical and biological systems are the “very good” effects of God’s omniscient design, omnipotent creation, and faithful sustaining (Gen. 1:31). God would not have made the earth susceptible to catastrophic degradation from proportionally small causes. Consequently, wise environmental stewardship will not readily embrace claims of catastrophe stemming from such causes.
Godly human dominion over the earth means ... [continue reading here]
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