Examining the World Through the Light of Scripture
Ben Schettler, the host of The Biblical Worldview Show, sat down with magazine editor Amber Pike to talk about RenewaNation’s newest ministry, worldviews, and truth.
There was so much deception in Paul’s day that he warned the believers to be ready to give answers to the deception. Now, moving forward into the twenty-first century, with the internet and mainstream media, untruths and deception are even more prevalent. He warns believers, “so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Eph. 4:14).
The word “craftiness” isn’t talking about VBS crafts and glitter; it’s talking about the lies men use to deceive. The word “craftiness” is used in multiple translations, emphasizing its importance as Paul’s warning still holds true today. We need to know what is true despite the craftiness and deception in our world. How can we give people the Bible’s truth, in love, so they can be equipped to give answers to deception?
That’s why we created The Biblical Worldview Show.
Ben, will you tell us about The Biblical Worldview Show? What is it? Who is it for? And what do we need to know about it?
Ben: The Biblical Worldview Show exists to equip believers with a biblical worldview. It is literally in the name. And why do we need a biblical worldview? I say this often when I am out speaking. Our world is in a mess. In the middle of the mess, wouldn’t it be great if someone knew everything to help us through the middle of the mess? Then, wouldn’t it be awesome if that person who knew everything would write a book to tell us what to do in the middle of the mess? Well, there is a God. He knows everything, and He wrote a book.
The Biblical Worldview Show is not about exposing people to new ideas. It’s about exposing people to biblical ideas. How can we take the truths from the Bible and help it to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path? What is the next step I need to take (the lamp)? What is the direction I am supposed to go (the light)? The lies that exist in culture cause darkness to our steps and our direction, and The Biblical Worldview Show gives you light—that’s why you need to tune in!
About 4 – 8% of people today have a biblical worldview. People aren’t thinking with the truths of the Bible in mind. We have a massive need and a massive problem. The Biblical Worldview Show can help equip you!
The Biblical Worldview Show is a video-based podcast. You can watch or listen to it anywhere you find podcasts. We have an amazing and sovereign God who knew we would need help today as we face issues and deceit. Ben, could you give us a little taste of some of the issues being tackled in the show?
Ben: I’m sure almost every Christian has had a moment when they have heard something and thought, “I don’t think that’s true, but I don’t know what to do.” The Biblical Worldview Show covers that issue!
We could give a laundry list of issues tackled in the show. We’ve talked about when life begins and the issue of abortion with Dr. Bill Lyle and about creation with Eric Hovind. We talked about full-life surrender in ministry with Jeff Keaton, raising children with Dr. Josh Mulvihill, and an incredible episode with Patty Height’s story coming out of the LQBTQ community.
What suggestions would you have for a person who needs to either strengthen or continue to develop their biblical worldview?
Ben: I would say, watch The Biblical Worldview Show. That might sound like a dumb answer, but that’s why we created the show! We want to help people think through these issues.
Developing a biblical worldview requires understanding what that is. It’s more of a process and a paradigm. Worldview is the way I think, and I need to start thinking biblically about everything. How do I develop that? I ask key questions about everything. Every issue I look at, I need to ask “What does the Bible say about this?” Secularism wants to separate the Bible from things, but the truth is that the Bible applies to everything. Whatever issue I am facing, I need to seek what the Bible says—parenting, working at my job, athletics—any and everything. When we start thinking about what the Bible says about everything, we are on the right track to a biblical worldview.
Are you ready to take your next steps in developing or strengthening your biblical worldview and examining all things through the light of Scripture? Check out The Biblical Worldview Show at thebiblicalworldviewshow.com or wherever you listen to podcasts.