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The RenewaNation Blog
50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home
Dr. Josh Mulvihill When I was seventeen years old, my parents invited me to join them for breakfast at a local restaurant. Eating out was...
Swimming Against the Current of Our Culture
Michael James Dowling Just as a fish is unaware of the water in which it swims, we humans are often unaware of how much we are influenced...
The University System Is the Progressives’ Seminary
Hezekiah Kantor One hallmark of religions is they often have an institution of higher learning, where the most ambitious and...
Which Faith Is Allowed to Mix?
Dr. Christian Overman As shocking as it may sound, public elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. were overtly Christian in...
Every Church an Educational Center
Jeff Keaton I recently came across an announcement Martin Luther gave to his church members that was in some ways hilarious and, in other...
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